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Posts posted by majk

  1. Thank you very much Andreas for making this huge effort to answer me! Really lots of great information I can use for the campaign I am running which is now just at the tipping point of the 2055 Corp vs Anarcho war.


    I think to increase the tension at the expense of "reality" I will just make the corps build a wall as an aftermath of the war or during it possibly. I think it helps create a more "us vs them" atmosphere which is what I want the players to feel and to get them invested more emotionally.


    Also for the sake of ease (or my laziness) I think I will use the 2080 map and just use the roughly the dotted lines that seperate the eastern "Grey areas" from the western Purple and Yellow areas. Maybe I will make the casualties of the war even worse then they were (if that is even possible) so that the corps will have more motivation and less logic and decide to build a huge wall dividing Berlin in half. I think the symbolism is strong and can be used to create a stronger atmosphere but at the expense of logic as you say yourself.


    Interesting that you mentioned "Netzgewitter" since I bought that not so long ago and after the war campaign I was planning on running that campaign. The first campaign they ran was a bastardized "Dragonfall" that I had to railroad a bit to not go completely bananas. So they are familiar with Apex but not that Lofwyr created Apex (since that was not fully revealed on Dragonfall, or at least I didnt notice it). The problem is that my understanding is that "Netzgewitter" is set in 2080 while I want to adapt it to around 2058-2060ish. I guess having walled of areas and the aftermath of a war can still make the "Netzgewitter" work?

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  2. I have recently purchased the 6:e edition Berlin 2080 package from Pegasus and it includes a good map of Berlin. I am just finding the legend a bit lacking. Certain texts (https://shadowhelix.de/Berlin) seem to indicate that parts of the city were walled up as a result of the 2055 happenings:


    The LBS and its allies were almost completely wiped out in the process. The anarchos, who gave the logistically and militarily superior group troops a bitter defensive battle, but could not really coordinate their resistance effectively, were pushed back to the eastern part and there in the small piece of Berlin that they managed to hold onto, ultimately walled up .



    Also, there seem to be checkpoints/gates through out the city between different zones.


    So my actual questions.


    1. Is it possible in the Berlin overview 2080 map to see where there are actual walls? I presume that the Yellow/orange areas are Corp-controlled and are walled off because of extraterritoriality. But where does the wall that the text from shadowhelix above indicates exist? Is it shown in the Map? There are some dotted lines around the corp areas as well as running around Gropiusstadt, Marzahn and Pankow areas etc. Is it the dotted lines that represent physical walls?


    2. Shadowhelix also indicates that there are checkpoints/gates between the walled off areas. I presume these exist where there are roads, pedestrian roads or other infrastructure leading between the different areas? Example Kreuzhain - Mitte. 


    Thanks for your help and sorry for posting in English. 

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