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Guest Black Aleph

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Guest Black Aleph



A Mad Little Game About Big Bad Monsters




Necronomonopoly is a satirical game about land-grabbing the Cthulhu Mythos. Players move around the board, collecting properties and artifacts - all that their Sanity can handle. At the same time playes must dodge Monsters and Great Old Ones. Players move clockwise and Monsters move counterclockwise, knocking the marbles out of the players' heads.

As soon as a player loses all his Sanity, he goes insane and becomes a Cultist, moving counter-clockwise like a Monster, robbing the other players of their Sanity. The object? Be the last sane player in the game!


Necronomonoply comes with a four-piece board and the Mythos Deck. Some assembly required. Players must supply their own money and tokens.





Ich denk mal Tom hat das schon wieder ;(


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