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Penumbra Overture

Guest Black Aleph

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Guest Black Aleph

Ah... Google Alerts ist toll ;) Deswegen habe ich gerade auch von Penumbra Overture erfahren:


Penumbra Overture Goes Gold

Tech2 - India

Penumbra Overture, a horror FPS announced by Swedish developer Frictional Games thatÆs pretty similar to Call of Cthulhu has gone gold and should be ...[more]


Like all good nightmares, Philip's begins with something all too real - his mother's death. The days following the funeral are characterized by nothing, save for an incessant feeling of abandonment. Until, that is, he receives a letter from a dead man.


Philip's father left before he was born, taking his reasons with him. Now, here he is, opening up the door from beyond the grave. That door leads to more questions, and those questions lead to Greenland. Philip follows the clues - they're all he has left.


On leaving the final signs of human civilization behind him, in search of the location mentioned in his father's ambiguous notes, Philip wonders if he's left some part of his humanity behind as well. Soon, that will be the least of his fears.


Now, Philip needs your help. He's found an inexplicable metal hatch, in the middle of a frozen wasteland. Inside, is something yet more unfathomable.


Step into the unknown.

Die Screenshots sehen jedenfalls sehr lecker aus (Arktis?!) ;)


Eine DEMO-Version gibt es hier, und es sieht für mich aus, als ob es ein Episodenspiel werden wird (also kauf eine Episode, und wenn's gut läuft machen die Entwickler weiter, oder soà)


Freu mach schon auf heute abend, das Ding zu zocken ;)

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