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Pegasus Spiele returns to UK Games Expo

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Friedberg, 8th April 2016: From 3rd to 5th June 2016 the UK Games Expo takes place at the NEC Hilton Metropole Hotel in Birmingham. For the second time, German publisher Pegasus Spiele (winner of the prestigious Spiel des Jahres & Kennerspiel des Jahres 2014) will attend the exhibition. In comparison to the previous year, Pegasus Spiele has substantially increased its presence at this year’s show. At booth A4, visitors will be able to try many of Pegasus’ latest games. Also, visitors will be able to buy the games at the adjoining Meeple’s Corner booth (A5) as well as the booths of Esdevium Games Ltd (D14) and Spiral Galaxy Games (A7). Trade halls of the UK Games Expo will be open on Friday 11.00 – 5 pm, Saturday 9.30 – 5 pm and Sunday 9.30 – 4 pm.  In 2015, Pegasus Spiele started releasing children’s games by republishing the successful Selecta titles Bouncing Bunnies (3+), Zoowaboo (5+), Viva Topo and The Ladybugs’ Costume Party (both 4+ and winners of the German game award for children’s games Kinderspiel des Jahres). Pegasus Spiele also published its first own children’s game Mmm! (5+), a design by best-selling designer Reiner Knizia, which won the Austrian game award Spiel der Spiele 2015. This year, Pegasus adds its first game for children of six years and up in form of the pirate game Piratissimo, also formerly by Selecta. In this redesigned title, players sail the South Seas in search for treasures. But the journey is not without danger as greediness, bad weather and of course the other pirates will mix things up for sure. Piratissimo is an exciting roll-and-move adventure for 2 to 4 ambitious swashbucklers.A new addition to the range of family games is Yeti, designed by Benjamin Schwer. In this game, players are curious photographers who try to prove the existence of the legendary mountain creature. By rolling dice, players will climb the Himalaya and make camp, collect clues or buy equipment. The first player to catch up to the Yeti and take a snapshot will gain eternal glory. Yeti is a quick dice game for 2 to 5 daring mountaineers from 8 years and up, with extraordinary components and charming illustrations by Dennis Lohausen. At the UK Games Expo, visitors will be able to experience the game in a mega size version.And while some climbers are still high up in the mountains, down in the valleys the Flood is coming. In Animals on Board, from designers Wolfgang Sentker and Ralf zur Linde, all the animals are trying to find a dry place on one of the players’ arks. 2 to 4 players divide the waiting animals into smaller groups and lead them on their arks in order to collect the most points. Gathering them in herds is especially attractive, but before you can create a herd, you will need a pair and a certain fellow called Noah has gained a monopoly on those, so if you have any pairs at the end of the game, Noah will claim them. With short turns and tricky choices, Animals on Board is an accessible and clever family game for players of 8 years and up.Expert gamers who are interested in an extraordinary experience can look forward to Mega Civilizations. This strategic heavy weight (in every sense of the word) can be played with up to 18 players and takes roughly 12 hours to play. The legendary development game, in which every player leads their own civilization, focuses on building cities and achieving Civilization Advances. And although territorial battles play an important part, it is not a wargame, as people might suspect. The game is divided into phases and turns, some of which are performed simultaneously, keeping downtime to a minimum. As civilizations develop, it will be harder to balance all the factors that benefit a population. Visitors of the UK Games Expo will be able to get a first impression in “The First Game” a scenario which plays in 1-2 hours. During the event, these and more games can be found at the Pegasus Spiele booth, where enthusiastic supporters will gladly explain them to all visitors.


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