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  1. Hier eine kleine Plot Übersicht von der CGL Seite zur 6. Edition: As always, there are plenty of things happening in the Sixth World. While we want each book to be stand enough on its own that you can have fun playing it without needing a lot of other background knowledge, plot elements continue from book to book so you can get a richer experience by following the developing story. The first plot book for Shadowrun, Sixth World, called Cutting Black, introduced a whole lot of plot developments that will continue playing out as books continue. Here is a quick guide to some of those plot elements: Blackout: When Ares decided to leave the UCAS, the UCAS decided to repeal the Business Recognition Accords. After that decision, they were hit by blackouts in cities across the nation, and some cities and territories decided to leave the UCAS in the aftermath. Cutting Black and 30 Nights described the main events of this plotline, and Slip Streams showed some of the investigation into this. Look for more plot developments in this line in The Third Parallel, and catch fiction about it in Tourist Trapped. Disappearance of III Corps: The UCAS also sent the army to Detroit, only to lose an entire corps, having it entirely vanish. The disappearance happened in Cutting Black, then the soldiers started returning in Slip Streams. That book also connected some disappearances to a metaplane called Dis, which will figure in The Third Parallel and a subsequent plot book. Independent Seattle: Seattle declared its independence as part of Cutting Black, and this event figured into the plot of Free Seattle. The effect of independence will be explored in Emerald City. https://www.shadowrunsixthworld.com/2021/05/whats-up-with-shadowrun/
    1 point
  2. Disbezüglich (sic!) habe ich eine interessante Passage auf den Seiten 140 / 141 von Phantome, Kapitel STvdM, gefunden: "Einige sind Exzentriker, die Geschmack an Kuriositäten und Erwachten Artefakten wie dem Tarot der Sechsten Welt gefunden haben. Hat STvdM nicht einige Projektoren und Tarotkarten an gewisse interessierte Parteien und Sammler vermittelt, als das Tarot auftauchte? Ich wäre nicht überrascht, wenn STvdM eine der detailliertesten Aufstellungen über die Karten, ihre arkanen Fähigkeiten und die abgebildeten Informationen in seinen digitalen Schatzkammern hätte." - Lyran "Apropos seltsame Vorgänge: Neuere Dokumente enthüllen, dass STvdM auch Taco Temple repräsentiert. Es wird immer seltsamer." - Dr. Spin "Liegt es an mir, oder gibt es Parallelen dahingehend, wie der Kodex der Verwüstung und Taco Temple eine Idee in Realität zu verwandeln scheinen? Nur so ein Gedanke..." - Lyran Lyran dropt generell viele interessante Kommentare in Phantome, unter anderem zu so genannten DE-Maschinen...
    1 point
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