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Denied to the enemy und anderes Zeug

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Guest Agent_Hiram

Frisch auf den Tisch: :D


For those who are interested...


I have just sent the cover art for DG: Denied to the Enemy off to a local

Seattle printer. When I get it back, in about two days, I will pack it up with

the interior print out and send it off to McNaughton & Gunn, our printer in

Michigan, along with a check for on third of the printing and shipping cost (about

$5K) and they will start printing it. When they are done, another check for

the same amount will free the book up to be sent to Osseum, who will distribute

it worldwide. The last third of the cost of printing will be provided thirty

days later.


So, Dennis Detwiller's novel will be out there before the end of the year.


I will be turning in the completed d20 Delta Green by the 15th of the month.

Then we are at the mercy of the trans-pacific shipping shedule. But I would

expect to see it in February. And yes, we did take on Eos Press as a partner in

this printing. They pay the printer and we pay the artists.


A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp



Na das sind dann ja mal halbwegs gute Nachrichten.


Agent Hiram

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Agent_Hiram

HAR HAR.... :D


mal was völlig - nie vorher da gewesenes : :D:D:D


Okay folks,


I've gone through the proof copy of Dennis's Novel "Delta Green: Denied to

the Enemy" and I ran into a little problem. For some reason all the umlauts fell

out of the german words. I'm endeavoring to fix this so I can get the book

back on track. I should be ready to send a new disk to the printer by monday.

The book should be with distributors within another couple of weeks.


Sorry about the delay, but things are harder to take care of with only me

holding down the fort.


A. Scott Glancy, President of TCCorp


Da sag doch einer deutsch wäre eine schwere Sprache...


Die Tommies kriegen es doch auch hin... MÍTÍRHEAD zB! :D


Mal sehen ob es der Roman noch dieses Jahr rauskommt ;)


?gent Hiräm



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wahrscheinlich ist das einfach so häufig, da? es auch nur als gute Ausrede taugt, um eine weitere Verzögerung zu erklären... ;)



Carsten (Nie den schönen Namen einer Industrial Disko in San Francisco vergessend: "Das Bunker". Wer Wörterbücher lesen kann, ist klar im Vorteil!)

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Guest Agent_Hiram

Wahrscheinlich ist das Ding so schlecht, das die Umlaute damit nichts tun haben wollten.... :D


Wir werden - irgendwann in ferner Zukunft - sehen ;) .


Agent Hiram

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Agent_Hiram

Mal was neues von der Front:


Direkt vom Chef, sozusagen:





Denied to the Enemy is here at Pagan and probably in the hands of our

fullfillment house, Osseum Entertainment. It will soon me in the hands of

distributors and then on retailer's shelves.


In a couple days we should have the website updated to reflect new changes in

the Latest News Section and the new product available for purchase.


I think you'll enjoy the novel quite a bit. It's one I'd buy if I hadn't

published it using my own money. Hmmm... actually spending $6000 of my own money

to make it see the light of day is a hell of an endorsement... far more ringing

that spending $16.00 to own it.


A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp



Da bin ich ja mal gespannt.

Laut dem letzten Newsletter von Frank scheint es ja eines der wenigen Sachen zu sein, die für Delta Green noch kommen.


Warten wir es ab. Darin haben wir ja schon ?bung :D


Agent Hiram

*der die Nachricht am 17.05.04 erhielt*


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