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Everything posted by Hagbart

  1. Hagbart

    Saturn heult

    @carsten: Die Box hab ich auch, heisst "Symphonies of the Planets" http://www.sleepbot.com/ambience/album/planets.html http://www.amazon.com/Symphonies-Planets-NASA-Voyager-Recordings/dp/B000001V2O ist wirklich abgefahrenes Zeug - könnten auch Tangerine Dream sein... ... und wo wir schon bei Sounds sind... upcrazed visuals and disturbing soundscapes: "One evening I heard the reading of H.P Lovecrafts "The colour from outer space" to sleep. THe words echoed in mah head. the first passage were interesting and I stopped the tape and thought about these words as lines for a visualisation." "Coming up from the depths of the "Horreum Horroris" double CD, this almost 10-minute driller is interpretating an initation ritual to invoke the head-honcho of the great old ones. It?s a visual conversion from formulas directly out of the Necronomicon." enjoy!
  2. upcrazed visuals and disturbing soundscapes: "One evening I heard the reading of H.P Lovecrafts "The colour from outer space" to sleep. THe words echoed in mah head. the first passage were interesting and I stopped the tape and thought about these words as lines for a visualisation." "Coming up from the depths of the "Horreum Horroris" double CD, this almost 10-minute driller is interpretating an initation ritual to invoke the head-honcho of the great old ones. It?s a visual conversion from formulas directly out of the Necronomicon." and a great piece of art: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_9BF-1WqB52w/SRHnjusWJdI/AAAAAAAAAAM/NQmeiTp74_8/s1600-h/cthulhu_mspc.jpg comes from: http://brezelburg.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2008-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-08%3A00&updated-max=2009-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-08%3A00&max-results=3 enjoy!
  3. massig Shirts: http://shop.cafepress.com/cthulhu miskatonic university: http://shop.cafepress.com/design/18835700
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