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Der Thread ist natürlich alt aber ich versuche ihn gerade abzuarbeiten und daher wollte ich folgenden Disclaimer zu Aarons antworten hier posten weil ich bei den Fragen nur noch auf diesen Disclaimer verweisen möchte. Er war immerhin sehr bemüht und viele der Fragen die dort vor einem Jahr und länger gestellt wurden sind auch heute noch ein Diskussionsthema. Es war mir nur wichtig, das für die Antworten die ich beim Abarbeiten des Threads finde nicht dauernd erklären muss wie offiziell sie sind. Ich verweise bei den Antworten daher explizit auf diesen Disclaimer:


Aaron about his answers

Please keep in mind I'm keeping my answers based on the book and any errata I know has a good chance of making it through the approval process, labeling my own opinions as such. In theory, the Real Answers are in the book, albeit possibly buried somewhere in its nearly five hundred pages. Beware of using my opinion in your rules debates, partly because appealing to authority isn't a valid argument, but mostly because nothing's official unless it's in publication by Catalyst.

I don't have a Catalyst hat; check the signature.

I can't give you a developer-level answer. Shadowrun only has one developer: the esteemed Mr. Jason M. Hardy. I was on the rules committee and I did have a hand in writing and editing the new edition rule book and I am compiling the FAQ for CGL approval, but there's only one really real official source, and that's Catalyst. I can tell you how it works as currently written, and I can tell you what I personally think was the intent of each rule, and I can refer people to the possibility of a particular erratum, but that's about it. While I'd like to say that everything that I suggest will eventually be held as official, I don't make that call.


Leider war seine letzte Antwort dort am 16.10.2013

Edited by Wandler
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