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[Kickstarter] Lovecraft: The Blasphemously Large First Issue


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Liebe Gemeinde,


seit einiger Zeit ist es nun schon abgelaufen, doch wollte ich es euch nicht vorenthalten. Ich habe seinerzeit Lovecraft: The Blasphemeously Large First Issue gebackt.



Lovecraft is a dirty, gritty story about magick, monsters and the occult. It takes place in a modern-day world where H.P. Lovecraft the writer never existed but where all the horrors he wrote about are real. In this story, the man named Lovecraft is the world's foremost magician and alchemist who maintains a secret library of forbidden knowledge which includes books like the Necronomicon.

Lovecraft is a classic Byronic antihero: “Mad, bad, and dangerous to know.” He functions as the semi-reluctant guardian of mankind, one of the few who can traffic with occult forces without becoming (totally) corrupted by them. In his world, magicians are a secret culture within the culture who vie for power and knowledge, leading to feuds and wars that can unleash unspeakable terrors. When they do, Lovecraft is the guy who cleans things up.


Eventuell interessiert es ja einige der hiesigen UserInnen. Meine Ausgabe kommt hoffentlich bald an. Mit all den blasphemischen Extras, die das Leben so lebenswert machen. :wub:

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