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SR5M Hausregel für Ruf


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Street cred
1. Reduce item Availability by the (Adjusted Streed Cred Value)÷10 (round up)
2. Adjusted Street Cred Value = Street Cred (Notoriety + Public Awareness)
For example: Joe Sam wants to purchase an Availability 24 item. His Street Cred is 55, Notoriety 0, and Public Awareness 6. Adjusted Street Cred Value = 55 (0+6) = 49 which is then divided by 10 giving him a 4.9 rounded up to 5. Availability is then adjusted to reflect 24 5 = 19 .
Reduce limit of Social tests by Notoriety of the character with the highest Notoriety who is present at the Social interaction. Note this is for Social tests in which a positive outcome is desired, e.g. Negotiation. As an example Negotiation (or appropriate skill) + Charisma + Extraneous modifiers [social limit highest Notoriety at the table]. It may also be added as a positive limit modifier to Intimidation tests if known (*see Public Awareness below). For example: OJ enters negotiations with Mr. Johnson. Unfortunately, Tone Loco has a Notoriety of 6 and refuses to wait in the van. OJ has to roll his Negotiation of 6 + Charisma of 7 (elf) + 0 (no modifiers) with a limit of 5 (OJ’s Social limit of 11 minus Tone’s Notoriety of 6). On the other hand, if OJ and Tone Loco decide to Intimidate a punk for some information and the punk knows Tone Loco’s Notoriety, then OJ gets to add Tone’s Notoriety of 6 to his Social limit to make it 17. 
Public awareness
Use the table below to determine if the character is “known”. If the other individual is already in the shadows, then you are “known” to them. The below chart represents Thresholds for nonshadow people. The GM has the final say in determining if an individual is in the shadows or not. The roll is Relevant Knowledge Skill (e.g. Law Enforcement, Shadowrunners) + Intuition + Notoriety. A failure means the nonshadow person doesn’t recognize the character. On a
Glitch, the nonshadow person doesn’t recognize the character and he/she may be mistaken for a non famous person. On a Critical Glitch, hilarity ensues, e.g. the runner is mistaken for a famous (or even infamous) personality (corporate CEO, sim star, mafia don, SRM author, etc.).
For example: Dazzler wants to impress the bartender into giving her friends some free drinks (in other words, Dazzler wants to add her Street Cred to the roll). In order for the bartender to recognize Dazzler, he needs to achieve 4 hits on his roll (Dazzler has a Public
Awareness of 6). He rolls Intuition (3) + Local Runners (3) + Dazzler’s Notoriety (2) for a total of 8 dice. He achieves 3 hits...so Dazzler has to pay for everyone’s drinks unless she is able to successfully use her Con/Negotiation/Intimidation skill without the benefit of her Street Cred/Notoriety. On the other hand, Dazzler wants to sneak out of the CZ past the Lone Star patrol without being recognized. The threshold for the authorities is 3 based on her Public Awareness of 6. The two Star officers roll this as a Teamwork test Intuition (3) + Law Enforcement (3) + Dazzler’s Notoriety (2). After all is said and done, the officers get a total of 4 hits, which means they recognize her and now she has some explaining to do.

Stand 31.03: SR5M FAQ 0.2


Eure Meinung? Wem gefallen die neuen Hausregeln? Wer wird sie in seinen Runden übernehmen?

Edited by Wandler
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Klingt gar nicht schlecht!


Da hat sich jemand offenbar wirklich ein paar Gedanken gemacht, wie man das vorhandene System nutzen kann.

kannst Du ja , wenn Du mal eine Kampagne leiten willst, so machen....

Ich bin gespannt, wie das dann bei den Spielern ankommt..... ^_^;):ph34r:


mit Tanz in Boston


Edited by Medizinmann
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