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wie genau ist denn das gemeint: "jedes mal, wenn der Charakter eine suchterzeugende Substanz (11-Abhängigkeitswert) aufeinanderfolgende Wochen lang benutzt, muss er eine Abhängigkeitsprobe würfeln."


Nehmen wir zB mal Soykaf: bedeutet das, dass jemand, der in 11-1=10 Wochen 2mal Soykaf trinkt eine probe ablegen muss? oder muss er diese 10 Wochen nonstop soykaf trinken, damit das nötig wird?

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This is our go on the addiction rules in 5th edition:

If you take a drug, you write down the drugs treshhold and also the 11-AddictionRating Number of weeks. If you dont take the drug during the next week, your treshhold drops by 1. If you take the drug again, your treshhold resets, but the 11-addictionrating number of weeks does not. This goes on until either one of two things happen: You treshhold rating drops to 0; this means you are save and won't have to make an addiction test OR you still have a treshhold>0 and you reach 11-Addictionrating weeks since the first time you took the drug: Make an Addiction Trest against the Treshhold you currently have.

For example, lets take something extreme like Kamikaze, with Treshhold 3 and Addictionratin 9: Day One, you take the drug. You note a Treshhold of 3 and a 11-AR of 2. After you took the drug for the first time, check after the first week if you took the drug again. If not, your treshhold drops to 2. After the second week, two things happen. Because you did not take the drug again, the treshold drops to one, but you also reached 11-AR Weeks before your treshhold could drop to 0. Now you have to make an addiction test with a treshhold of 1, so a single dose of kamikaze can make you addicted if you are unlucky. If you had taken the drug again in week 2, the addiction test would have been against a treshhold of 3 and after two more weeks against another treshold of 1.(aslong as you dont take the drug a third time)

This system works for us, taking extreme stuff once can get you addicted, but it is highly unlikely. Taking extreme stuff multiple times without giving yourself some time to get it out of your system is very risky. Also it makes sense for drugs that will never get you addicted on the first use, like alcohol. Drink once in a while and you are fine. Drink repeatedly every week for some time and there is a good chance you will get addicted.


Das habe ich jetzt mal als gute Interpretation der Regeln empfunden.

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im extremfall bedeutet die Regelung, dass man von 1 soykaf die Woche abhängig werden kann...

Aber ist eine gute erklärung.


gibt es eigentlich irgendwo was für sowas wie Sexsucht? wie da die werte aussehen?

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Ja, jede Woche (mindestens) einen Kaffee und du darfst nach zehn Wochen eine Abhängigkeitsprobe machen.


Das von Lunatic_Neo zitierte ergibt wesentlich mehr Sinn :)


@Kale: Da es genug BTL-Pornographie gibt ... orientier dich im Zweifelsfall daran.

Edited by Avalia
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