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Wo bleiben die klassischen Abenteuer?

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The Condemned aus Arkham Unveiled.


On a Thursday morning, two students from Miskatonic University, Richard Cardigan and Henry Atwater, hiked a few miles west of Arkham to a spot on the banks of the Miskatonic River. Their intent was to camp for a few nights and then return Saturday morning, but never did. Atwater appeared in the streets of Arkham Sunday morning raving deliriously. Cardigan was nowhere to be found, and Henry gave no clues as to what may have happened to him.


Initially the police brought Atwater to St. Mary's hospital, but he was transferred later that day to Arkham Sanitarium where he continued to babble nonsense. The authorities believe that the two had been struck by lightning Friday night as there was a large storm that evening.


Police went to the campsite off of Bowen Rd and found no trace of Cardigan. No signs of a lightning strike was apparent, and all of the camper's equipment was still there. The only thing they found of note was a shovel smeared with blood ...


So what happened to Richard Cardigan? Where is he now? And what caused Henry Atwater's delirium? If it wasn't lightning, as police initially concluded, then what?

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