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Puh, klingt alles sehr nach Changeling the Dreaming.


War of Sorrows = Shattering, etc


Das Tarot stört mich immer noch ein wenig.


Abwarten und Tee trinken... vielleicht bereichert es das Setting wirklich, oder ich habe eine Gelegenheit für einen ausufernden angry rant nach dem release.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Der Vollständigkeit halber packe ich die letzten Designblogs auch noch mit in den Thread.


Design Blog #5, Monica Valentinelli


Quelle: http://catalystgamelabs.tumblr.com/post/147802136646/court-of-shadows-is-available


Court of Shadows #5: Naming the Factions and Designing their Templates


In the last two design essays, I talked a lot about the War of Sorrows and how it influenced the overarching theme for the worldbuilding in this book. Today, I am pleased to announce the first ten factions of the Seelie Court. And, I will also share with you how they will be presented to you in Court of Shadows.


The first ten factions, which are inspired by the Sixth World Tarot magical artifact are:




Aes Sidhe Banrigh

Higher Power


Hanged Man






Each faction is presented in a template that’s designed to serve as both an overview and as a section filled with story hooks and character names. Here’s how the templates will break down, using the Dragon faction as an illustrated example:




Title: Dragon


Quote: This quote is meant to be something a member of this faction might say. In this case, they’d quip: “Sorry, you call yourself a what now? An Adept? Silly human, do you really think your magic is superior to mine?”


Nickname(s): I really liked the vocabulary presented in the Shadowrun, Fifth Edition corebook, and I wanted to bring that through here. So, members of the Dragon faction are called: Mana Masters, Mana Hoarders, Lizards (vulgar), Dragon Slaves (vulgar), True Fae, Heart of the Seelie.


Motto: Each faction has two outward facing signs they exist. A motto, which encapsulates their philosophy, and symbols they use. For the Dragon, their motto is “By right and by line, we are the True Fae.”


Token (or Symbol): Most of the factions have tokens or symbols that are plants/flowers and other, more obvious, icons they attach themselves to. Sometimes, these symbols can be tricky to figure out, because they might be commonly found—which is great to add a little mystery to your adventuring! The Dragons use the snapdragon flower, yin and yang symbol, and a golden egg.


Description: This is a section describing what the faction is all about and, in some cases, their beliefs and attitudes are highly complex, sharing both positive and negative attributes—just like any tarot card. For the Dragon faction, they are proud they can call themselves the True Fae, and their racial superiority oozes with arrogance.


Organization: I decided to add a section outlining how each faction was organized, in part because I wanted to avoid the monolith I had mentioned in an earlier post. Some factions might have a hierarchical structure, for example. In the case of Dragon, their faction is viewed by outsiders to be flat, where no one member has more power or authority over the other. Once initiated, however, it’s a different story as members must prove their birthright and lineage. Some faeries might even go to obsessive lengths to present the truth of their bloodline, too.


Membership & Recruitment: Like any active political organization, the factions have attitudes towards retaining and recruiting its members. Those are outlined here, and some commentary is given if it impacts the Court as a whole. As you might have already guessed, the Dragon faction tends to seek out faeries with a pedigree.


History: The foundation of each faction is outlined here, and I varied these sections to avoid telling the same story over and over again. Some faction histories include bits of poetry or other interstitial works to illustrate a point. For the Dragon faction, I decided to err on the political side and told the story of a conspiracy theory involving Lady Brane Deigh and two Rites known as the Rite of Identification and the Rite of Attraction.


Representative(s): Some factions have easily identifiable representatives; others either have a sub-group or their reps are more obscured out of necessity. The Dragon faction’s representatives are a sub-group called “The Crimson Order”. Their members include the Book of Memories—which ties back to the conspiracy theory outlined in the faction’s history.


What/who are the Book of Memories? I’ll tell you next time, in my upcoming design notes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Design Blog #6, Monica Valentinelli


Quelle: http://catalystgamelabs.tumblr.com/post/148295399626/court-of-shadows-design-files-6-your-initial




Anyway’ the Book of Memories, which I mentioned last time, was intentionally created to add bits of story as you discover more about the Seelie Court and its many factions. What is it? Here’s what I wrote about them, and I’d like to share this with you as it ties into my post about the Dragon faction from last time.


“Many memorable events, including trials, are recorded in the Book of Memories. This Book, however, is not an archive in the traditional sense. It is a string of courtiers who have been taught the history of the Seelie Court and its factions since the beginning of its storied history. Each courtier can, upon command, recall approximately 1,000 years’ worth of information, and are expected to do so unfiltered and factually, without a sense of personal bias or political machinations. One ‘Book’ in the collection was declared a traitor to the Court and was accused of seeking membership in the Dragon faction. After the knowledge was forcibly removed from the Book’s mind, the courtier was punished using an archaic punishment known as the Rite of Scarring; the image of a dragon was carved deep into the accused’s face.”


The end result of that horrific punishment was the formation of the Crimson Order within the Dragon faction. This is one example of how we tied a lot of the worldbuilding to motivations for the faeries active (and inactive) in the Court itself. Keep in mind that many of their goals, schemes, and plots for vengeance have festered for centuries, and this type of long-term thinking can often stem from simple slights, as the metaplane has largely remained in stasis for a long, long time. Now that the faeries are given the chance to act, the factions offer them a sense of camaraderie and a way to do so.


For the next post, I’m going to talk about the different types of faeries that thrive in this metaplane, so you know who’ll you meet.

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Monica hat auch etwas Feedback dazu gegeben, wie Court of Shadows aufgenommen wurde:


Phew! Can’t believe it’s almost been a week since the PDF of Court of Shadows went live on BattleCorps & DriveThruRPG.com, but it has. Plus, the pre-orders for the hardcover are now available, too, and some of you are starting to give us feedback on this book. Awesome!


First off, I want to say “Thank you!” to those of you who have commented about this release; I’ve enjoyed hearing your thoughts as you mull over the setting. So thank you for making me, and the writers I recommended, feel welcome to the Shadowrun community. While this is my first supplement with Shadowrun developer Jason Hardy and Catalyst Game Labs, Shadowrun was one of my first RPGs and I’ve kept up with the game since those early days. That’s partly why working on Court of Shadows was so interesting and exciting for me, because the point of this setting was to load you up with so many stories that the way you’d run a session or campaign using this book will likely require more finesse than fragging—and there’s a certain amount of irony in me saying this. Usually, I’m the player that asks for guns, guns, and more guns, so going in the exact opposite direction as a designer was loads of fun. I mean, of course, you could try to frag your way through the Court of Shadows, but you never know what magical artifacts the Tuatha de Danaan have stockpiled … *evil grin*

Insgesamt wohl positiv, oder zumindestens konzentriert sie sich darauf, allerdings deckt sich das auch mit meinem Eindruck

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  • 11 months later...

Ich grab mal den Thread etwas aus de Versenkung aus, war ne Zeitl ang bei SR5 nicht wirklich aktiv und hab gerade die Deutsche Version von dem Buch im Rollenspielladen meines Vertrauens gesehen. Kann wer was zu dem Buch an sich sagen (sorry wenn es dafür bereits einen Anderen Thread gibt, die Suchfunktion hat aber nur den hier und den News Tigger Eintrag ausgegraben).


Vom Setting her würde es mich durchaus reizen mal ne Mini-Kampagne oder so am Hof zu leiten, taugt das Buch dafür?  Ist es geplant davon auch ne PDF-Version zu machen oder muss man mit der limitierten Auflage vorlieb nehmen (Ich kauf mir zwar gerne die Limitierten Auflagen, nutze sie aber nur sehr sehr ungerne um damit zu spielen)?

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(Aus dem Newstigger-Diskussionthread, wo ich auch nach der PDF-Version gefragt habe.)



Vom Setting her würde es mich durchaus reizen mal ne Mini-Kampagne oder so am Hof zu leiten, taugt das Buch dafür? Ist es geplant davon auch ne PDF-Version zu machen oder muss man mit der limitierten Auflage vorlieb nehmen (Ich kauf mir zwar gerne die Limitierten Auflagen, nutze sie aber nur sehr sehr ungerne um damit zu spielen)?

Ja, das kann man machen. Ich habe es gemacht - eine Kampagne, wo Charaktere einen Run in der Realwelt beginnen und dann in die Anderswelt übertreten müssen und sich da zurechtfinden. Es lässt sich problemlos machen und auch mit einer Rückkehr kombinieren. Man braucht nicht einmal den Yellowstone dafür, ich habe das einfach über den Hof, beziehungsweise Danaan-Verbindungen gemacht.

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