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SR5: Spekulation und Gerüchteküche


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Achtung: das sind Gerüchte und Spekulationen anhand bislang bekanner Flyer, Andeutungen, Short Stories. In keinster Weise müssen sie mit SR5 übereinstimmen und natürlich kann auch deren Interpretation komplett falsch sein. Man sollte also NICHT seine endgültige Meinung auf "in der short story stand aber ... " basieren.


Bitte spekuliert nur auf der Grundlage (semi)offizieler Quellen.


The hidden fictions (SR5 Short stories): http://forums.shadowrun4.com/index.php?topic=9626.15

=> Das Übergangsbuch soll "Stormfront" heißen und das Artwork dafür sollte das hier sein: http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k611/DarkLloyd1/4BsfU_zpsdd7bfa03.jpg


Falls es noch nicht bekannt sein sollte:

Es gibt eine neue englische Homepage für Shadowrun 5. Auf diese kommt man wohl in den Genuß von einigen Kurzgeschichten, welche die Eine oder Andere Information zu Shadowrum 5 beinhalten sollen.Man muß aber einige Rätsel lösen. um in den Genuß dieser Informationen zu kommen.

Im Dumpshock Forum wurden wohl schon gewisse Inhalte dieser Kurzgeschichten in Form von Spoilern veröffentlicht.

Ich kopiere einmal eine Kurzfasssung der Matrixveränderungen, die man wohl aus den Kurzgeschichten und Informationen herausdestillieren kann.

Ich übernehme keine Verantwortung für die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen.

Hier also die Zusammenfassung:

the word on the street has it that...

...layered grids are back

...commlinks - at least the complete software part - are kinda useless

...deckers seem to be back (according to FastJack)

...the GOD controls the new matrix with the agreement of every corporate council member

...they work directly with local security to track and bust hack... ehm decker extremely fast

...the public grid seems to run entirely over satellites

...they seem to be able to deal with technomancers just as fast and effective as hackers

source: the hidden shortstories




In den Short Stories:

Drachen haben die Macht übernommen, bzw sind fast alltäglich

A large shadow covers the street for a moment, and I flinch. A dragon—a real dragon—just passed in front of the sun, flying on its way to wherever. Can’t tell if it’s a great or a normal dragon. All I know is, from its coloring, it’s not Alamais, and I can breathe a sigh of relief. How long ago was it that the average man on the street never saw a dragon? Nowadays, dragon sightings are so common that the occurrence is becoming customary. Give it another few weeks, and I’m sure I won’t even notice how many dragons are in the sky anymore.


Technomancer haben Bio-Storage

Did you mean to upload this database to your bio-storage late last night? the sprite said in my AR view


Bürgerkrieg der Drachen aka offene Kriegsführung

The two adult dragons are trading magic and fire in the sky, diving and nipping at each other[...]And then I look past the two wrestling dragons. In the sky above them are dozens of other dragons, both young and adult, maybe even a few great dragons for all I know. Scintillating pockets of magical energy created by great form spirits fill the air. Drakes and countless other creatures I cannot even begin to name take to the skies like all the fireflies banging about in my head.


"Sklaven"handel der Konzerne/Staaten für Rohstoffe aka Asamdo spielt Resident Evil

When finally confronted at the largest facility outside Nyamkopon, the UN team produced evidence that Asamando had under-the-table deals with a number of corporations around Europe and Africa: “We will give you access to our copious natural resources, and in return you will ship us your condemned criminals to become part of our food supply.”


At 1821 local time on November 8, five ghouls in five different buildings pushed five buttons and unleashed a nightmare.

Those buttons opened up highly secured wings in the prisons, including subterranean levels, and released a feral ghoul population no one knew existed. There were nearly 4,500 feral ghouls held out of sight in those five facilities; other, smaller, prisons scattered around the country held thousands more.

*Tusch* Tröpfcheninfektion ...


Der Weltrawum wird ausgebaut - die in frühren Werken angesprochene Raumretting ist wieder da.

> Approximately ten minutes ago, someone hacked and took control of multiple observation, communication, and weapon satellites. Both the Grid Overwatch Division and Space Rescue Service just went into full counter-attack mode and are locking down


Sirrung tot/schwer verletzt durch Atzlan/Aztech - vielleicht der Auslöser (zusammen mit Hestaby Ankündigungen im SOTA) für den Drachenkrieg wie oben? Hier wurde auch eine neuartige Virenwaffe eingesetzt.

Soon after the initial engagement, Sirrurg decided to get a better position and headed for land. As the aircraft task force regrouped for another wave of assaults, naval vessels moving in from the Pacific hounded Sirrurg with missile and gunfire. Accounts claim that a lucky railgun shot from the destroyer Chupacabra scored a direct hit on Sirrurg’s left shoulder near the wing joint, which was the first time that Aztlan was able to draw blood from the great dragon.


This caused him to crash into the earth approximately thirty miles north of Acapulco. The remnants of Task Forces Two and Three renewed their attacks and launched several salvos of their main weapons.


Blue-227 is a biochemical weapon (no nanotech, sorry everyone) that targets the proteins found in dragon blood. Depending on the specific chemical mixture and how much oxygen is present, it will either act as a coagulant or anticoagulant.


> In other words, this stuff will either cause a dragon to bleed out or turn their blood to cement.



Edited by apple
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TT eine Demokratie mit vielen neuen Nichtelfen als Einwohner:

Thousands of non-elves were granted full citizenships and SINs in the wake of the Coup and High Prince Zincan’s ascension to the office, and sadly, many elven holdouts remain bitter about their inclusion in the nation’s newfound democracy. A whole generation of orks idolized Zincan and eagerly looked forward to voting in his successor when they came of age, but untold numbers of metaracist elves feared that day and vowed to keep it from happening


Dodger ist wieder da .. und er arbeitet für die Bösen ... und ein TM

From: Andrew Boyer, GOD

To: Danielle de la Mar

Re: Background Check: Consultant: Dodger


How’s he still this shit-hot without ever upgrading past some twenty year old headware, using training-wheel ‘links so full of security and tracking ‘ware they’re constipated? Why was Morgan/Magaera so fascinated by him, out of all the old Matrix-masters around back then? And why does even some soulless GOD spider say he’s seen her


AIs sind normale High-Level-Angestellte?

His knowledge of artificial intelligences and his ability to work alongside


GOD übernimmt die Matrix .. und wir würfen alle neue Programme kaufen

taking back the Matrix. They are planning to realign the Matrix structure into multiple layers of grids, like in the old days. And get this—security for the entire Matrix will be overseen by GOD. This is gonna be seriously feeble.


I swear they pulled up twenty-five-year-old iconography (which I've only seen in pictures), and the layout is so retro. On a pertinent note I pulled up every program I've coded for the past eight years and ran them. I got lots of code errors but a few managed to work a little bit. I'm cobbling together a few new programs from bits of that code. Once I get them together I'll distribute, and we can all run some tests.


First off the place feels a little weird to me. Can't really express the concept in any other way and can't really describe it further. Sorry. Secondly, the reason none of you a able to access it with your programs and your links is because the whole place is running on new protocols that allow only limited connectibility from current commlinks. They changed all the security protocols to block every program we currently have to scramble, sleaze, decipher, and generally wreak havoc on their systems. For all of you this means you are going to need to start putting together new programs. For me it meant I just needed to spend a little time getting to know the new system and then generate a little coding on the fly. I did this a little at a time over the course of a week with a little trial and error. I got the coding right and I even managed to access the new grid and analyze the agent in the accessible node. The agent isn't even an agent—it's a piece of IC. I wasn't successfully running programs for more than


The IC didn't do a thing, but within another few seconds another icon appeared in the node. It was an angel—I think Michael, flaming sword and all. He didn't ask me to leave or say anything else. He just looked at me and shook his head. Next thing I knew I woke up with a pounding headache, a bloody nose, and Slamm-0! waving smelling salts under my nose saying we had to go. Whatever the icon was (my guess is a hacker from GOD), it tracked my position at the same time it gave me the boot. Luckily Slamm-0! was in good with the desk clerk at our bolt hole, and we were warned in time to get us clear. Got a quick look and the goons were KE, local Seattle cops. Looks like coordination is part of the new plan.

> Netcat


Aber: Fastjack to the rescue: er hat die nächste Generation an Hackercomputern zusammengebastelt und es sind wieder Decks ...

> So all of you know, while I'm in control of myself I have been trying this as well. I'm using some cobbled-together equipment, and I think I have a working prototype for the next generation of hackers, though I think we can call them deckers again. I let them come find me, and when Lone Star came to my already open door, they were very polite. They actually thanked me on behalf of the GOD and just let me go on my way.

> FastJack


Das neue Grid hat Corpgrid, Nationgrid und Local/Publicgrid - wenn man dafür zahlt. GOD regelt alles, und man darf mitmachen, wenn man wichtig genug ist.

Looks like the new protocol is watched over by GOD, but every member of the Corporate Court had to agree to be part of the team. They are all playing nice with GOD, and they each will have their own grid along with a public grid and national grid for the countries that can afford one. The public grid will supposedly cover everywhere and, according to de la Mar, will even be accessible via satellite
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echt? mir gefällt was ich sehe!


Ich würde mal sagen StormFront wird echt novaheiß und da es die welt mal wieder völlig umbaut (was erwarten wir von nem Buch das die neue Edition ankündigt?) Ich bin echt gespannt und hoffe Inständig auf die übersetzung dieses buches!

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Daß Dodger - wenn er überlebt hat - ein TM ist, ist IMHO logisch. - Daß er für GOD arbeitet nach dem Arkologie-Shutdown und allem irgendwie auch...


Und daß Netcat und Slamm-0! ein Paar geblieben sind find ich auch okay. - Die anderen Sachen gefallen mir dagegen zu großen Teilen wesentlich weniger. - Wobei Sirrurgs Schicksal IMHO nur folgerichtig ist. - Und Asamando... nun ja, scheinbar ist jemand bei Catalyst Game Labs eingefallen, daß das "nette" Ghulkönigreich aus dem "Almanch" einfach nicht in die SR-Welt passt...

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echt? mir gefällt was ich sehe!

Ich muss immer an eine ....Nichtlustige und schlechte Kopie alter Paranoia Cover denken

(mit dem entsetzten Mädel hinter der Glasscheibe ,etc


aber das ist Offtopic

Zurück zum Thema bitte :)




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Zitat:"His knowledge of artificial intelligences and his ability to work alongside..."


Schlußfolgerung: AIs sind normale High-Level-Angestellte?


Die Schlußfolgerung halte ich für gewagt.


Ich zitiere einmal eine erweiterte Version des Zitats, dann wird es eventuell klarer:


"His knowledge of artificial intelligences and his ability to work alongside them are quite simply second to none, as though there’s some intuitive bond between him and even the most otherwise uncommunicative AI."


Aus: Kurzgeschichte: "The Artful Dodger 4"


Die Aussage bezieht sich auf Dodger.





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Dodger war der erste TM. Ich wußte es die ganze Zeit^^ Wird schließlich im ersten Buch beschrieben.


Dass TT nicht übersetzt wird, ist noch schlimmer, weil es jetzt ja ein Meta-Paradies werden soll. Wenn man dann noch die Ork-Bewegung von Seattle mit einrechnet, wird Seattle wohl bald Teil einer größeren Sache. Endlich unabhängig. Das werden sich die UCAS nicht bieten lassen und bei der Gelegenheit gleich Denver vom Weißwurm zurückholen. Das bedeutet Krieg :ph34r:


Das einzige was mich erschreckt, die 4,5 Tausend Ghule, von denen nie jemand wußte sind jetzt frei :rolleyes:

Zu viel Resident Evil ist wohl wirklich schädlich.


Das Artwork ist eine Mischung aus fast allen erfolgreichen Cover der Quellenbücher der 4. Edition.

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@medizinmann: einer der gründe warum es mir gefällt ;)


@arlechcino: in welchem buch wird das beschrieben? Helf mir bitte mal auf die sprünge, ich hab die alten bücher schon lang net mehr in der hand gehabt...

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