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Rollenspielertips für SL, Spieler und Außenstehende


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Ich dachte mir, ich fange mal mit einem neuen Thread an der sich mit RPG beschäftigt und sammel mal Tips & Meinungen

(Ich dachte, so einen Thread gabs schonmal und hab 10 Seiten/bis 2018 zurückgescrollt und nichts gefunden ! Also mach Ich's neu Und laßt die  Paprikasauce weg ! Echt !)


Hier mal mein Einstieg mit einem Link zu Imgur :)




mit Einstiegstanz



guckt nach Unten zum Sascha

Gut so, weitermachen ;):)

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(Ich dachte, so einen Thread gabs schonmal und hab 10 Seiten/bis 2018 zurückgescrollt und nichts gefunden !

Du meinst vermutlich den angepinnten Thread "Tips für SL Neulinge" im Spielleiter Bereich:




Edit: Hab Hetzers Hinweis übersehen.


Daher noch was Konstruktives:






2 informstive Kanäle.

Edited by Corpheus
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nö, ich meinte einen allgemeinen Thread, der nicht SR Spezifisch(und ich meine HIER im Pegasusforum nicht in Tanelorn oder noch wo anders)

ist aber egal ob es ihn mal gab oder nicht , jetzt existiert dieser .




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Part 1


First Time GM?


- Use pre-generated example characters for your first session. Character creation can take a long time in SR, and that can kill the fun. Start with pregens, run 1-2 evenings, then do the character creation (either with new characters, because you are an evil GM and brutally sacrificed the players to the skull throne, or "remake" the existing ones).


- You can certainly play WH40k with many different flavors, but in general make sure that your players understand, that horror and a very high lethality is part of the game (less DnD5, more CoC usually).


There are many Youtube channels out there talking about improvisation balanced to preparation and the first steps as a GM. While I do not agree with all of them they are a good start for your own voyage:

- [How to be a good GM]

- [Geeks & Sundry]

- [Seth Skorkowsky]




- Try to find half a dozen good pictures to show the flavor of your campaign. Not the NPC or some generic action pic but something to the mood and atmosphere of your setting / adventure.


- Print it out. As big as you can. If you want, invest a few bucks in a poster sized print in your local copy shop. Physicality is good. It gives the player something to touch. But it in the center of the table, use it as a table.


- Just as an example: That here was for my SR4 Hong Kong campaign, as it perfectly represented the atmosphere I wanted to have for SR.


- Don´t hesitate to rip things off of other games, franchises. HR Giger Aliens art book is as valid as Star Wars Corouscant screenshots.


One more thing


In SR you can play many different characters. Let´s take a metahuman hater ... and a metahuman. If you have such a constellation make sure that the player find a solution on how to co-exist. Nothing against bickering, but outright violence and anti-group-behaviour should be avoided from both sides.


Really one the last thing


Be vague. Always.


- Yes, your Street Samurai may have always fought against gangers and survived a decade against the street scum Yet it is never a "*simple ork ganger with 7 dices in the firearms pool*", it is always "*an orc wielding a duct-taped assault rifle screaming obscenities against you*".


- It is never "*a mage overcast manabolt, Force 7, 6 hits*", it it always "*The air stinks suddenly of ozone and while the human before you gets suddenly pale with dark black veins, the energy in the air hits you like an electric whip*".


- It gives you the possibility to always have a backup / surprise without lying to the player. Sure, 99% of the time it will be a mage casting smite. It will be an orc ganger with an old AK hitting nothing. But sometimes, just sometimes, it can be far more and far worse. Uncertainty is good, it keeps the player invested.



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Part 2


- Stay small! I know it is tempting to go overboard, especially if you have a specific setting where the ideas flows from games, books, movies etc, but especially as a new GM with new players: describe the background setting with some sentences, introduce only a small handful of NPCs and do NOT make any complex plots. For the first few sessions go small and straight forward. It will be complex enough.


- Be ready to improvise! Yes, you know your players, yes, you know the story, yes, you know all the different ways things can be solved, yes, you know what is obvious and hidden. Congratulations, your players will not recognize that, find out immediately what is hidden, will not see the most obvious clue you ever have created, think that all trustworthy NPCs are hidden monsters and will definitely ask questions you never even thought about. *Be ready to improvise*. Don´t make your setting and adventure too strict, prepare to wiggle with NPCs, motives, storylines and actions.


- Discuss rules! Before the session, after the session, but NEVER EVER during the session. It´s ok to clarify something, but a rule discussion about "the Stun Ball should do X" only bogs down the game. Make an adhoc decision, don´t kill of player characters based on that (because you could be wrong), check it afterwards and wiggle your storyline if necessary.


- Talk with each other! You are an inexperienced GM, your players maybe are inexperienced as well and everyone will understand something different under a pirate setting. Talk about what you envision. What kind of world? What kind of atmosphere? Realistic, dark, gritty, with a touch of survival? Or more 90s action here with duels of honor? Everyone will understand something different with "a pirate / fantasy / cyberpunk / sci-fi / horror / detective campaign", so make sure that everyone at least understands a bit of what the other expects of this campaign. Your players are here on the same power level as you btw. If you want a light Erol Flynn Campaign and the others a dark adult Captain Jack campaign, be prepared for some adjustment.


- Check with your players what they expect! (And what you expect) of an RP evening / campaign. More combat? More social interaction? Rule lawyers or free wiggling if it suits the moment? What are the "do- and don´t do" for your characters? Are they murderers or "honorable thieves"? Are there things where the *players* feel a bit uncomfortable, like detailed mass gore slaughter scene descriptions or perhaps intimate encounters played out in details? Get a feel for what you like and for what your players like and try to find a common area which everyone enjoys.


- Be generous! Sometimes the player is unhappy with the character (mechanics/fluffy wise), sometimes he will overlook something. Give him the opportunity to recheck/rebuild it, or perhaps try something new out at he beginning. Players must love their characters, because from that love comes the best stories and the best immersion in your world. Some character concepts may be problematic (too powerful for you to counter, to extreme etc). Instead of forbid them immediately try to find a middle way, and even if it is only the promise of the player not to abuse ability X. But then again you have the right to expect that the players make sure that the characters work within your world and that you have fun at the table as well.


- Ask your players for help! Tell them upfront that you are new, that you will make mistakes and that you need to know the game and the flow step by step. Ask them not the create the most complex characters (mass drone rigger fully modded *cough*) or at least not play them immediately balls-to-the-walls. Introduce new rule sections (ability checks => skill checks => magic effects checks etc) step by step. Ask them to be patient and to help and support you (for example each player could learn one specific rule set and help you out there).


- Work with clichés! Because  everyone knows them and they transport immediately the feeling and the style you want to describe. Your fixer mentor could be a heavily-built elder man in noble clothes, with a deep, low voice, having a cat in his arm, asking you for a favor for the family, and promising you in return protection and resources .


- Let the players do the work for their own characters! This is straight up from Feng Shui, the Hong Kong Martial Arts Role Playing game, where there is no time for hour long sessions to build up something. Demand that your characters describe you how they met each other! Why are they here all on the pirate island/ship/cavern? How did they knew each other, why are they staying together? The thing is: 5 people (you and the players) can think of more ideas than 1 person (you) and you will be surprised how creative and innovative the players can be if they have to take responsibility ... and sometimes it solves problems automatically.


In Feng Shui I had a straigth-by-the-book cop and a hardened mob killer. I had no idea on how to bring them together and more importantly make them stick together. The players came up with a solution: half brothers, the child of the killer was kidnapped by the mob to blackmail him into the "only one last job" and the cop was the godfather of the child. BAM, instant connection, instant reason to stick together, despite their ... professional ... disagreements, instant ideas for further plots.


That works btw as well for situations and places where you have no idea how to bring the party there.


Why exactly are you all together in a skyscraper with hostages to the left and terrorists on the right, shooting at you? Well, it turned out that half of the player characters were actually hired by the terrorists to let them in and had no idea that it would be a terror attack (they thought of a robbery). And the other half just wanted to deposit the money they had stolen from the terrorists earlier.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Benutzt Visualisierungshilfen .


Da die letzten Runden (und auch die nächsten) über Roll20/online stattgefunden haben, habe ich mir gerade über das Thema Visualisierung viele Gedanken gemacht.

Beim Spiel über Roll20 bietet es sich natürlich an, das aussehen von NSCs über Bilder darzustellen. Die Einfachheit hat mich zu Beginn sehr begeistert. Doch mittlerweile bin ich etwas am zweifeln. Die Auswahl der Bilder schränkt mich beim Entwurf der NSCs ein.


Früher habe ich mir das Aussehen eines NSCs ausgedacht (und das hat Spaß gemacht) und ihn dann wortreich beschrieben. So konnte das aussehen in den Köpfen der Spieler Gestalt annehmen und hat ihre Fantasie angeregt.


Nun habe ich einen NSC. Aber anstatt mir Gedanken zum Aussehen zu machen klicke ich mich zuerst durch die angesammelten Bilder und wähle dann irgendein cooles einigermaßen passendes Bild aus. Und entsprechend dem Bild beschreibe ich dann später den NSC in nur wenigen Worten und präsentiere dann das Bild über den Bildschirm.


Funktioniert auch. Ist aber irgendwie für mich als SL weniger befriedigend. Vor allem aber auch einschränkend.



Bin ich da der einzige SL dem so geht? Und wie sehen das die Spieler?? Lieber eine spannende Beschreibung oder ein cooles Bild???



Edit: Ich meine damit die Visualisierung von NSCs!

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Wir machen das ganz unterschiedlich. Unser Hauptspielleiter kommt immer mit irre viel Bildern und Visualisierungen an, so das es einen manchmal beinahe erschlägt. Im Nachhinein macht sich das ganze in meinen Ordnern unfassbar gut, weil ich es passend zu den Run-Notizen abhefte. Wenn dann Charakter oder Orte wieder auftauchen, hat das Raussuchen des Bildes einen krassen "Ah, das war das!" Effekt, den Notizen so bei uns nicht erreichen. 


Der Nachteil ist natürlich, dass man eine wilde Mischung an unterschiedlichen Cyberpunk Darstellungen irgendwie zusammenkriegen muss. Aber ein wirkliches Problem ist daraus noch nicht entstanden. 

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