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Taucht die Stadt Kingsport noch woanders auf?


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Ich mache es mir einfach und zitiere aus dem entsprechenden Wikipedia Eintrag:


"The Terrible Old Man" (1921): The eponymous resident of Kingsport lives on Water Street near the sea.

"The Festival" (1923): The unnamed narrator is summoned to Kingsport to participate in a strange ceremony held by his distant relatives.

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (1926): Nyarlathotep expresses admiration for Kingsport's "antediluvian" architecture and marvelous seacoast.

"The Silver Key" (1926): Randolph Carter has traveled back in time to the 1880s when he glimpses Kingsport's "old Congregational steeple on Central Hill" and realizes that the old church had been torn down to build Congregational Hospital.

"The Strange High House in the Mist" (1926): Professor Thomas Olney meets the lone occupant of the eponymous dwelling, which lies atop a high cliff on Kingsport's coast.

The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (1927): John Merritt mentions Kingsport and the strange rites he had heard were performed there.

"The Thing on the Doorstep" (1933): A teenaged Asenath Waite attended an all-girls school, the "Hall School", in Kingsport.


The town was mentioned in Robert Bloch's short story "Notebook Found in a Deserted House" and The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, and was part of An Evil Guest by Gene Wolfe.



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Das Thema ist zwar älter, aber der Mythos ist schlie?lich zeitlos! :coc:

Bei meinen (eher unfreiwilligen) Ausflügen auf August Derleths Spuren ist mir auch dort, meiner verschwommenen Erinnerung nach, das ein oder andere Mal (unter vielen, vielen weiteren eher grenzwertigen Verbindungen zu Lovecraft) Kingsport untergekommen.

Auch in diesem Band http://www.amazon.de/Die-Saat-Cthulhu-Frank-Festa/dp/3935822855/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1337339135&sr=1-1 wurde Kingsport zumindest in "Der Hügel von Yhth" kurz erwähnt!

Aber alles nichts, was man unbedingt gelsen haben müsste, um über Kingsport alles zu erfahren! ;)


MfG Blackdiablo

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