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Kommende Gefahren - Eine Übersicht

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the crossover story itself isn't backed by cgl in any way



Warum überrascht mich das jetzt eigentlich nicht... Ach Mensch, und ich hatte wirklich leise Hoffnung das sich was ändert zum Besseren hin.

Inwiefern hätte es das, wenn die Podcastgeschichte offiziell wäre?

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Ein Kumpel hat mich darauf hingewiesen, dass das Video jetzt einen Untertitel bekommen hat, wie es scheint.




Philly is down.
Matrix has completely crashed here.
(Blackout conditions being reported.)
-ejected and dumpshock is-
(A flash was reported over the city.)
As the UCAS fails to aid...
(Baltimore has just gone dark!)
150.000 in critical condition...
Martial Law declared across the UCAS...
-Newark, Halifax, and Providence-
(-territorial push for power-)
St. Louis, Bismark, Lexington have all gone dark.
(Military forces dispersed!)
(Dumpshock death toll rises...)
-wounded in attacks-
(-unknown origin-)
DC next to fail.
(-fighting for territory amidst the chaos-)
"Somebody help!"
(...Jerry-rig a matrix....) (vermutlich "Jury rig")
Log off the matrix immediately.
(Another 75.000 dead...)
Toronto down....
(Why isn't anyone doing anything?!)



We have access.
I don't know how long it'll last.
They're locking everythng down.
We have to act, and act quickly.
We've been so busy responding to the emergency that we can't do anything else.
But we have to!
We can't just react- we have to stop them!
Who are they?
Well, look at what we know.
They're sendung us a clear message:
Everything that you have, everything that you're about is fragile.
(incoherent).... broken.
The society that keeps you safe, that gives you the things that you need, can be taken away in a moment - in an instant.
Everything can be lost.
So we have to ask:
Who wants to break society?
Who always talks about destroying the world?
Tearing it down before it can be rebuilt?
Who are the malcontents, the ones who think that they know better than everyone else, when what they really want is chaos and power.
And who are the ones willing to go to such extreme lengths to get it?
(distant bang)
You know who the destroyers are.
Maybe you even know some of them, or have seen what they can do to the world- what they want to do.
We have to act!
We have to protect ourselves, and we can't let them get any stronger.
(loud bang)
They're a plague!
They'll bring disaster!
We have to fix it!
We can't just sit by and wait for the things to get worse.
(*voice* "Target identified.")
We have to reclaim our world!

Edited by StillesChaos
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Frage: Irgendwer eine Idee, welche der nordamerikanischen Städte namens Bismarck mit "Bismark" gemeint ist:



Die kennt Wikipedia dort.

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Da gibt es ein offizielles Transkript?


Edit: cool, Untertitel! Da ist man mal im Urlaub und dann updaten sie es ...


Jury-Rig a Matrix, huh. Soll das dann die neue hardwaregebundene, noch hackbarere Matrix werden wo man was man hacken will einfach hackt?

Edited by Richter
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Hmm, meint ihr man kann die NeoAnarchi-Enzyklopädie vielleicht auch als Hinweisgeber für kommende Gefahren hernehmen?


Das erste was mir aufgefallen ist: die mitlerweile 81jährige Hertha Brüggen hat von Pegasus einen Eintrag spendiert bekommen. Der Metaplot der Allianzverschwörung scheint also immer noch aktuell zu sein, oder wie seht ihr das?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ich hab beim Lesen der Enzyklopädie auch noch was gesehen. Ein Krieg zwischen einem Mega kon und einem Land, wäre tatsächlich eine neue Sache und eine gute Erklärung für den black out
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