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Chummer5a - Charaktergenerator


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Versuch im Zweifel mal, einfach das Update-Fenster mit einem Klick auf [x] zu schließen. Guck außerdem, ob du die neuste Version benutzt, vor acht Tagen wurde Chummer 5.181 veröffentlicht.


Wenn das alles nicht hilft, reich einen Bugreport auf Github ein: https://github.com/chummer5a/chummer5a/issues


Wo ich schon dabei bin, eigentlich wollte ich diesen Thread ja regelmäßig aktualisieren... . Also: Chummer 5.181 wurde veröffentlicht!


Application Changes:


Fixed an issue with skills not rendering in a localized language when selecting skill groups for Aspected Magicians. Fixes #867.

Fixed a crash caused by adding an exotic weapon without having the relevant exotic weapons skill. Fixes #888.

Fixed a crash caused when loading a character that has a tradition that isn't being used. Fixes #893.

Changed the HTML doctype of all existing character sheets to support CSS3. Fixes #568.

Changed the button string for adding an initiate grade in creation mode.

Skills can now have notes applied to their tooltip. To do this, right-click on the skill name and click the Add Notes button.

Fixed a bug where skill improvements could stack if using the Change Priority Selection menu. Note: characters that have already been affected by this bug will have to be edited manually to remove the improvements, which will have a sourcename of Heritage and an improvedname of whatever the skill is. Fixes #880.

Fixed a bug where changing between technomancers and mages would leave both resonance and magical skills available. Fixes #890.

Altered the uniquename for the Damage Resistance improvement to allow stacking, instead of using the highest single bonus. This may be wrong, but I can't find any RAW statements against it. Fixes #879.

Fixes a UI localization issue where skill attributes defaulted to BOD. Fixes #897.

Fixed a UI issue that stopped a character as needing to be saved if the skills were updated in career mode. Fixes #899.

Added Option for not showing metagenetic qualities. Fixes #889.

Added Physical Limit as accuracy for infected natural weapons.

Fixed freezing when removing a Specialization and Skill Dicepools now refresh when changing the Specialization. Fixes #876.

Now shows Source when selecting a normal lifestyle.

Fixed a bug where Knowledge Specializations didn't cost Knowledge Skill Pints. Fixed #902.

Fixed a bug where the attribute tooltip would show qualities that didn't alter the attribute value or augment it. Fixed #901.

Added different PDF-Opening parameters for Linux/Unix/etc.

Fixed a Bug where Specializations had no Karma costs in Karma build mode. Fixes #908.

Fixed a Bug where Karma cost of Magic/Resonance were calculated wrongly when Essence Loss occurred. Fixes #912.

Improved the update method to prevent update check loops.

Improved the handling of changing priority selections to remember previous selections. Not all settings will be immediately available for existing characters. Fixes #709.


Data Changes:


Fixed an issue with mystic adepts not unlocking the appropriate magical skills. Fixes #869.

Changed how existing character sheets render mugshots when saved as HTML. Fixes #817.

Added Textfield when selecting Grid Subscription Lifestyle quality. Fixes #875.

Corrected limit note for vision enhancement cyberware. Fixes #887.

Added missing karma values for infected metatypes in priority selection.

Added Reach for all infected metatypes to prevent crashes.

Reorganized Data Trails AI Qualities and added missing ones.

Added Chrome Flesh BTLs. Fixes #885.

Fixed an incorrect limitation on the Home Ground quality. Fixes #904.


Translation Changes:


Updated the German translation files, courtesy of HaukeW.

Edited by Skarablood
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Gibt es etwas mehr als nur "geht ned....*shit*"?


Für nen Bug-Report wird "auch" das äußerst dürftig sein und eher zu nem "Reject", als nem "Accept", führen ;).


Was waren deine letzten Schritte?

Welche Programm-Version hast Du / Und woher?

Wie hast Du diese installiert?

Gib es eine Fehlermeldung?

Hast Du eventuell Fehler-Logs (vom Programm selbst, von Windows aus dem "Ereignis-Log"), etc?

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Translation Changes:

Updated the German translation files, courtesy of HaukeW. 



Also ich merke davon nix. beim Verify sind immer noch Fehler enthalten und im Changelog beim Updaten steht auch keine Änderung dafür. 

Edited by Meo
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