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Mountains of Madness

Guest Tobias1364424406

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Del Toro im Interview mit TheOneRing.net:


Guillermo: And allow me to add one thing û because of all those projects, there is one that is to me û in a way I it may not be as complex and as monumental at first sight as The Hobbit, but is æAt The Mountains of MadnessÆ. And that movie I have kept alive for many, many years and I want to keep it alive to do as soon as I can. Right now I am fortunate that most of my projects rest at the same place, and that is Universal, including Saturn and the End of Days. So I want to send a message out that, that that movie is alive and well and that thereÆs a lot of research and development that has to be done to create the creatures in that movie, and the City. Some artists and key technicians have been working on for now years, and will continue to work through the production and post production of The Hobbit. Scrutinized by me, but they have their own set of logarithms and chemical materials to solve before we can create those creatures properly. So that movie is not dead û itÆs not instated, it continues to evolvewith Te Hobbit. And it is my belief that a lot of the stuff weÆre going to develop in terms of digital and make-up tools for The Hobbit will be used for that.



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Die derzeit aktuellste Info zu dem Projekt:


From an interview posted on SciFi.com:


With regard to At the Mountains of Madness, I'd love to see you tackle H.P. Lovecraft in a way that hasn't been done.


Del Toro: Me too. Me too. ... Part of the arrangement with Universal--in being essentially there for now until 2017--part of the arrangement was they would finance research and development for Mountains of Madness. And we are doing it. There are many technical tools in creating the monsters that don't exist, and we need to develop them. The creatures, Lovecraft's creatures, the tools that exist for CG and the materials that exist for makeup effects, you need to push them to get there and we're going to push them.





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  • 11 months later...

Im Interview mit der neuseeländischen Dominion Post bekräftigt Guillermo Del Toro abermals seinen Wunsch "At the Mountains of Madness" nach dem Hobbit-Zweiteiler zu drehen:


"[he estimates it will cost US$90 million to make the movie but]... he still has to convince Hollywood. "We are trying to do it, but it is a very expensive movie," says del Toro. "Its difficult to have a movie like that without Hollywood and it's almost impossible to have it done with Hollywood. It's a conundrum because it's a move that [would cost] about US$90 million, but US$90 million means they [Hollywood] don't understand a horrifyingly unhappy ending and the fact there's no love story. It's a purely cosmic horror where man is not the hero but just vermin created for the amusement of a larger species. There are so many ideas that are alien to [Hollywood], no pun intended."


Del Toro hasn't ruled out the possibility of even a small amount of filming actually taking place in Antarctica. Some of the events in Lovecraft's story take place at McMurdo Sound.


"I've always wanted to do that. It is still a possibility. One of the first things that came up with the studios was the liability and insurance issues of taking a formal giant crew to Antarctica. But what I learned technically on Hellboy and Blade allowed me to do Pan's Labyrinth. It is my belief that what I learned on Hellboy 2 and [will] on The Hobbit will allow me to go out and make At the Mountains of Madness, even if its not in Antarctica."




"I want to do it. If Peter [Jackson] had the Rings trilogy and James Cameron had Titanic - there are movies that you think are a mission to do. My mission in my life is to make At the Mountains of Madness if I can."

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Macthulhu
Meiner Meinung nach hat er viel zu viele Eisen im Feuer... er soll sich mal endlich an sein persönliches Traumprojekt machen ... aber da gehen wahrscheinlich noch Jahre ins Land, ... schade, schade
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Naja, Filme zu produzieren, gerade teure Filme mit eingeschränktem Zielgruppenfeld sind nicht immer leicht auf die Beine zu stellen.

Man schaue einfach, was selbst mit einem potentiellen Geldmagneten wie dem Hobbit passiert, wenn au?erhalb der Produktion Dinge mit Geld passieren.


Du setzt dich halt auch nicht einfach hin und machst einen Film.

Bei Büchern etwa ist das was anderes; del Torro schreibt ja nicht zuletzt darum jetzt auch seine Vampir-Trilogie. Lobt in Interviews immer, wie schön es sei, mal nicht an das Budget denken zu müssen...



Viele Grü?e,


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Ach der soll mal alles verfilmen, die wahnsinnigen Berge die von Dickens Frankenstein überquert werden um den einen Drood aus dem Feuer Hellboys zu holen. Oder was auch immer. :D
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